Roads department
Manager of Transportation Services
70 O’Brien Street, Deloro
Phone: 613-472-6940 | Fax: 613-472-2232 | Emergency After Hours: 613-848-4935
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Hours of Operation
Summer Hours
Monday – Thursday, 6:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Winter Hours
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Winter Roads Maintenance
The Municipality of Marmora and Lake is required by the provincial government, and the Municipal Act to maintain a level of service to roads with respect to winter conditions based on the classification of each road. Classification of each road is determined by traffic volume and speed limit as listed in the Level of Service Policy. The Municipality exceeds all levels of service requirements for all municipally maintained roads. Rest assured that the plows will get to your road as soon as possible. If you require additional information, please contact us.
Winter Mailbox Policy
This policy applies to the Municipality of Marmora and Lake roads.
The municipality will repair or replace a damaged or destroyed mailbox if the damage is deemed to result from a direct physical hit by plow equipment. Mailboxes damaged by snow load off the plow equipment will not be eligible for repair or replacement by the municipality. The responsibility for maintaining mailboxes lies with the owner of the mailbox. Mailbox owners are required to repair their own mailboxes that have been damaged by snow impact. Please re-attach the mailbox securely to prevent this from happening again.
Mailboxes replaced by the municipality will be a basic metal mailbox, not necessarily the same as the original mailbox. Damaged posts will be replaced by temporary posts with permanent repairs undertaken in the spring once the frost is out of the ground.
To report a damaged mailbox, please contact the municipality at 613-472-6940 or An inspection, assessment and recommendation will be made by the Manager of Transportation Services.