Fall Grading Underway

Fall Grading is underway here in the Municipality of Marmora and Lake! 🚧 Our Roads Crew has been out grading, packing and watering unpaved roads in the Municipality. 👷🏻👷🏻‍♂️

Did you know, the municipality of Marmora and Lake has over 100KM of unpaved roads?

Fall grading is important for the following reasons:

  • Compaction: After a wet summer, the road surface can become uneven and rutted. Grading helps redistribute gravel and compacts the surface, improving stability.

  • Surface Maintenance: Grading smooths out potholes and ruts, making roads safer and more comfortable for travel.

  • Preparation for Winter: A well-graded road is less likely to suffer from frost heaves and other winter-related issues, reducing maintenance needs during colder months.

  • Drainage: Proper grading ensures that water drains off the road, preventing erosion and washouts during the winter snowmelt.

If you see our Roads Crew out and about on your road, please drive with caution and have patience.

Thank you!

Celeste Bonter-Northey