Mayor's Report for February 18, 2025

February 4th

I presided over the Regular Marmora and Lake Council Meeting.

February 6th

I met with the South East Health Unit Medical Officer of Health to set Agendas for the following meetings: Governance Committee held today, the Finance Committee is tomorrow and the SEHU Board Meeting scheduled for February 26th.

February 11th

I participated in a midterm training session for Council and Senior Staff. The presenter was Rick O'Connor. Rick is the former Clerk and Municipal Solicitor for the City of Ottawa.

This was an excellent refresh of information related to our roles and responsibilities as Mayor and Council, essential policies and procedures, Council and staff relations, Staff and Public relations and many good discussions on legal processes and relations with all levels of government.

February 12th

I met with staff of the alPHa organization in preparation for my role as panelist at the alPHa winter symposium. The three new BOH Chairs for the newly merged Boards of Health were invited to be panelists to be introduced and provide the process and procedures and criteria we used to abolish the legacy boards and create the new Boards. This was achieved in partnerships presented with a business case to the Ministry of Health and ultimately approved by the Ministry and they awarded the necessary funding to support the transition.

February 14th

I participated as a panelist with the alPHa winter symposium.

February 18th

I attended the Hastings County Finance, Property and Personnel Committee Meeting.

At 1:00, I initially chaired the new SEHU Governance Meeting for the purpose of electing a chair. Robin Jones, Mayor of Westport, was elected chair of the Governance Committee.

At 5:30, I presided over the regular Planning Meeting.

Kristen McConnell