September 3, 2019: Mayors Report
Mayor O’Neill recognized two youths, Jackson Croskery and James Johnson, from the municipality who recently attended the Under 14 Eastern Canadian Softball Championships in St. Raphael, Quebec as part of the Springbrook Royals OASA softball team. The Springbrook Royals competed in a four-day tournament and brought home the gold medal. Mayor O’Neill made a small presentation to them of a Marmora and Lake Hat and extended congratulations on behalf of Council.
Mayor O’Neill announced her attendance at the following:
August 8, Cogeco meeting re broadband services
Aug 10, Twin Sister Lakes annual general meeting
August 13, Hastings County Planning and Development and Finance and Personnel Committee meetings
August 17, AMO Board of Directors
August 18-21, AMO Conference
August 23, Funeral of El Killian
August 27, Budget Roundtable
August 29, Hastings County Council
August 31, Fall Fair opening
Mayor O’Neill extended congratulations on behalf of Council to the Fair Board on an excellent and successful fair and thanked everyone who dedicated their time, board members, directors, volunteers and staff from parks and recreation, Marmora Legion and various community sponsors.