Shop Local!
Marmora’s downtown core is growing. There are numerous reasons to visit, eat, drink, and shop. Treats, restaurants, and retail - you name it.

Splash Pad
Located at 9 Matthew Street in Memorial Park. The water is on from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm all summer.

Memorial Park
Located at 9 Matthew Street. Memorial Park is so beautiful thanks to the hard work for the Crowe Valley Lions Club. There is a gazebo, cenotaph, splash pad, picnic tables along the river, and public washrooms.
Off-Leash Dog Park
Located off Cameron Street, just south of the ball diamond.

Marmora Town Hall
Now used as the municipal office building, located at 12 Bursthall Street.
From The Marmora Village Town Hall, built in 1913, has served as law courts, badminton courts, a movie theatre, and operating theatre for tonsillectomies. It has swung to the sounds of minstrel music, reverberated with the laughter of vaudeville, and rung to the rally cries of union leaders, recruiting officers and politicians, including Prime Minister Arthur Meighen, and Provincial Premiers, Howard Ferguson and Bob Rae.

Marmora Tourism Centre
Located at 9 Matthew Street. We offer travellers and locals information on the surrounding area.
Legion Park
Stop at Legion Park at the corner of Cameron Street and Matthew Street (HWY 7). There is a public beach for swimming, a baseball diamond, and a public boat launch just south of the park.

Basketball Nets
Thanks to the M.A.R.S community organization we have a set of basketball nets in Legion Park near the tennis courts off of Cameron Street.
Booster Park
Located at 199 Booster Park Rd, west of town. Booster Park is a beautiful waterfront park on Crowe Lake. Come swim, camp and play this summer! (613) 472-3127

Glen Allan Park
Glen Allan Park is located on the northeast end of Crowe Lake. This site is a social gathering for seasonals and regulars. Click for more info.

Crowe Lake
The pride and joy of the locals, and the best lake in the area! Click here for more info.

Crowe River
The river is split by the dam in town. Both sides - north and south - are great for fishing and have free boat launches. Launch your boat on the north side to connect to Beaver Creek and Crowe Lake.

Beaver Creek
Beaver Creek runs from Crowe River, at Riverview Crescent north, feeding into Limerick Lake. Click here to learn more.

Brian Goodchild Memorial Trail
The trail runs from Memorial Park, at 9 Matthew Street, to the public boat launch at Mag's Landing, just north of the dam.

Nayler's Common Wetland and Trails
Parking is located on the south side of Matthew Street, just west of Tim Hortons. Owned by the municipality and overseen by a municipal committee, Nayler's Common is a hidden ecosystem great for bird watching and short hikes.

Marmora Dam
At the turn of the century, the Pearce and Pearce Lumber Company constructed the Marmora Dam to provide power for a sawmill, a planing mill and a hydro operation. Click here for more info.

Located at 28 Victoria St., behind the arena. Click here for more info.

Saint Matilda's Church
Saint Matilda’s, established in 1825, on the west bank of the Crowe River (north from Hughes Lane), was one of the very first Catholic churches in the interior of Upper Canada. Over the years, it served as the first church for other faiths as well. Click here for more info.

Greensides Farm
Greensides Farm is open daily, all year round, and is located 3 km East of the traffic lights on Hwy 7 at Greensides Lane (Blue #103414-86).
More than 30,000 people have visited this farm. For more than two decades, visitors have claimed to witness holy apparitions when looking toward the sun.

Marmora Historical Foundation
We must have one of the best historical foundations in Ontario. Go to their amazing website here.

Miners' Loop
The Miners' Loop is a self-guided driving/walking tour that educates visitors about Marmora's rocks and minerals, as well as its mining past. There are four stops along the tour: 1) Millside Park; 2) Hastings Trail; 3) Deloro Mine Site; 4) Marmoraton Mine Site. Stop into the Marmora Tourism Centre for more info.
Public Grills
Sit beside the beautiful Crowe River and use one of two public grills for your picnic. Click here for more info.

Marmora Mine
In 1953, engineers had to blast through 120 feet of limestone before reaching high-grade ore. The open-pit mine measures approximately 1700 feet by 1200 feet and reached 600 feet deep. The mine employed some 300 men who worked to fill the 30 to 35 railway cars, daily, for transport south to Picton port where it was loaded into boats. The mine produced 520,000 tons of pellets annually. When the mine closed in 1979, it had mined almost 1.3 million tons of iron ore. Over time, underground streams and rainfall slowly filled the mine with water. So much so, that it is now officially classified as a lake.

Deloro Mine Site
From its place in the Madoc Gold Rush, to its innovations in creating and producing metals and alloys, Deloro played a key role in the history of mining and industry in Canada. There are also important lessons to be learned about the consequences of reckless exploitation of the environment – a legacy of our uninformed past – and the extensive cleanup that must follow.
While the first priority is to complete the cleanup of the mine site, the ministry is working with the community, heritage organizations, and other provincial ministries to preserve and promote the important natural, industrial, social and environmental history of the Deloro Mine Site. A heritage plan will be developed that will include preservation of several remaining structures, and the possible creation of walking trails and commemorative plaques once the cleanup is complete.

Deloro War Memorial
“LEST WE FORGET — THE PRICE OF FREEDOM graces the Digital Cenotaph component of the Deloro War Memorial. The Deloro War Memorial is the first digital cenotaph,” said Laura Forth, one of the project leads behind the creation of video and text content which will be accessible through a Quick Response Code (QRC), so people can walk up to it with their iPhone or iPad and scan the code and that will take them directly to a YouTube documentary.”
The biographical video will touch on the contribution of Canadian Forces, World War II and Korea War personnel, along with Deloro’s mining operation on the war effort. Click here to view this amazing film which won several awards at film festivals around the world!