Purchase 2023 Dog Tags Without Fines by July 31st!

If you own a dog and have not purchased a 2023 dog tag, you are currently in contravention of Marmora and Lake’s Municipal Bylaw 2023-30, and are eligible to be charged the associated $100 fine, as laid out in Schedule “B” of this bylaw.

Dog tags cost $25 from January-March and then go up to $40 (due to a late fee). This year, the late fee didn’t start until June 1st. All dog owners are expected to buy current tags at the beginning of each calendar year. Tags can be purchased at the Municipal Town Hall Office, at 12 Bursthall St., Marmora. Accepted payment methods include cash, cheque, and debit.

Fines will be issued to dog owners who refuse to purchase the required dog licence by July 31st, and remain in contravention of the bylaw. You can read Bylaw 2023-30 in its entirety here.

Kristen McConnell