The 2023 Budget Has Been Passed

The Municipality of Marmora and Lake passed its 2023 budget at the March 28th Special Budget Meeting.

Overall, the budget is geared towards delivering excellent service to our residents, with a focus on infrastructure.

Council approved a municipal levy increase of 8.54%. Currently, the County levy has not been set, and the education levy is remaining the same as last year.

Highlights from the 2023 budget:


  • Town Hall parking lot asphalt and drainage


  • New rubber tire excavator

  • Administration position

  • Two new tandem plow trucks

  • Additional funding set aside for future capital projects

  • ¾ ton pickup truck

  • Station, KOA Campground, and Old Marmora Roads projects


  • New landfill compactor


  • New pumper truck

  • New forest rescue ATV


  • Additional operator

 Booster Park

  • Overhaul of operating structure


  • Additional funding set aside for future capital projects

  • Additional $62,000 towards Memorial Building roof repair project

Council deliberated carefully yesterday in an effort to balance the needs of the municipality while keeping costs as low as possible.

Kristen McConnell