CAO, Tonia Bennett's Opening Remarks at the 2022 Budget Directional Report Special Meeting
Tonia Bennett, CMO, AOMC, Dipl.M.A
Chief Administrative Officer/Municipal Clerk
Municipality of Marmora and Lake
Good afternoon, everyone. I am happy to be here bringing forward the initial budget presentation to Council. I would also like to acknowledge the incredible effort put in by staff in preparing the document before you today.
The purpose of this meeting is for Council to review the supplemental budget requests and determine which projects will be included in the 2022 budget, and identify the funding sources.
It is not expected that we negotiate the budget at this meeting, but instead, to have informal discussion and consultation on the development of the budget early on.
As we continue to plan for uncertain times ahead, our approach is one of both caution and flexibility. In general, we have assumed that the financial pressures will continue to some degree throughout 2022.
That means, for 2022, we asked staff to focus on the essentials, look hard for efficiencies, and minimize the requests for enhanced services. The result is the document before you, which is short and focused.
One of the main ways we keep our budget on track is to align it with our Strategic Plan.
It has been another difficult year for everyone, and we know more challenges lie ahead. However, we can take comfort that our municipality's low debt and sound financial practices have put us in an advantageous position to manage the future financial uncertainty brought on by the pandemic.
In the months ahead, we will continue to be nimble and diligent as we respond to supporting our taxpayers.
Our goal today is to provide the information necessary for Council to begin to make the informed and tough decisions on balancing the community's wants and needs while facing a balancing act in maintaining and potentially expanding services and facilities in a fiscally sustainable way. Pressures may come from maintaining and replacing aging infrastructure and the need to service growth areas. Therefore, to meet or balance these demands, the municipality must manage its finances effectively. Thus, it is important to focus on the fundamentals of effective financial management.
Careful long-term planning and budgeting
Financing practices that meet the needs of today and tomorrow
Program and service delivery reviews and
Regular financial review and reporting
Council should also be wary of:
Being focused on the short term and being reactive
Assuming that whatever has been done in the past has continued relevance
Approaching adopting a budget as if its primary purpose is to find a way to hold the line on taxes
Providing services on an ad-hoc basis and not as part of the overall design
Staff have endeavored to provide all the necessary information in the document before you. The information being presented is for the benefit of Council, to assist in setting municipal priorities, and to begin to lay the groundwork for a responsible, balanced budget.
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