Service Ontario temporary Closure

Marmora and Lake – In an effort to keep employees and the public safe during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Marmora and Lake Service Ontario office will temporarily close. 

This decision was made in conjunction with the municipality, which will be closing public buildings from Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to April 5, 2020. Service Ontario will also follow this schedule. 

Closure of the Service Ontario is part of a community effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe, especially our vulnerable populations. Residents are encouraged to self-isolate during this time. As the Service Ontario centre often has line-ups and people waiting in tight quarters, this closure will help mitigate the risks associated with close contact and contracting COVID-19. 

We understand this may be of inconvenience to residents. During this time, public offices in Peterborough and Belleville remain open until further notice. Some services can also be completed online by visiting

Jennifer Bennett