Notice of Passing of a Zoning Bylaw 2025-01P

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Marmora and Lake passed Bylaw No. 2025-01P on the 21st day of January, 2025, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.

The purpose and effect of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is: To rezone the severed lands of Consent to Sever Application No. B1/24 from Marginal Agriculture (MA) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zone to fulfill Condition No. 8 of the consent application.

Any specified person or public body may appeal the above-noted zoning bylaw amendment to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Marmora and Lake by no later than February 11, 2025, at 4:30 PM, a notice of appeal and the reasons for the appeal, together with the required fee of $1,100.00, paid by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.

If you wish to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, a copy of an appeal form is available from their website at or by calling toll-free 866-448-2248. 

Only individuals, corporations, and public bodies may appeal a zoning bylaw amendment to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. 

No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the Bylaw was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Land Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

Please note that third parties (anyone who is not a specified person or public body) do not have the right to appeal a decision for a zoning bylaw amendment to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

If no notice of appeal is filed within the above-described time period, the zoning bylaw shall be deemed to have come into force on the day it was passed.

The property is also the subject of an application for Consent to Sever under the Planning Act (File Number B1/24).

Dated at the Municipality of Marmora and Lake this 22nd day of January, 2025.

Kristen McConnell
Municipal Clerk
Call: 613-472-2629 ext. 2232
Fax: 613-472-5330


Subject Lands (Part of Lot 24, Concession 10 West, 254 Bronson Road, Municipality of Marmora & Lake)

Kristen McConnell