
Taxes & Accounts Payable Clerk
613-472-2629 ext. 2223

Property tax bills are sent out twice a year in Marmora and Lake, with two instalments per bill, resulting in four instalments per year. The interim tax bill is 50% of the total taxes charged in the previous year. The final tax bill is calculated with the new tax rate, which is passed by Council each spring. Due dates are listed below.

2025 Tax Levy Schedule

Interim Instalments are due:

  1. March 20, 2025

  2. May 15, 2025

Final Instalments are due:

  1. August 21, 2025

  2. October 16, 2025


2024-21A User Fee Bylaw

2025-06 Interim Tax Levy Bylaw

Tax Certificate & Building/Zoning Requests

The fee for a Tax Certificate is $75, made payable to The Municipality of Marmora and Lake. The fee for a Building and Zoning Compliance Letter is $85, also made payable to The Municipality of Marmora and Lake. Please email requests to, along with a photo of the cheque that is being sent in the mail (to P.O. Box 459, Marmora, ON, K0K 2M0). Requests must include the roll number for the property in question.


If you would like to receive you tax bills by email, please complete the ebilling sign up form (above) and return it to the office, or email it to Your ebill will come from, and may end up in your junk folder.

Pre-Authorized Payments

If you would like to sign up for pre-authorized payments for your tax bills, please complete the form (above) and return it to the office, or e-mail it to Please include a void cheque or a direct deposit slip from your bank along with the form. Your tax account must be at a $0 balance before being set up for P.A.P.

You have the option of selecting monthly or exact payments. Monthly payments are withdrawn from your account on the last business day of each month. Exact payments are withdrawn on intalment due dates (listed above). There is a $50 fee applied to your tax account for non-sufficient funds, and your account can be removed from pre-authorized payments if this occurs repeatedly. For questions, please contact Ashley.

Learn How MPAC Assesses Properties In Ontario

The Municipality does not set the assessment rates on properties. That is the responsibility of MPAC.

The Assessment Cycle

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. They have indicated that property assessments for the 2022 and 2023 property tax years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. This means your property assessment for the 2023 property tax year will be the same as the 2022 tax year unless there have been changes to your property.

How does this affect the municipality?

Without an assessment increase the municipality must raise the municipal tax rate more to levy enough funds to cover municipal services.

How Your Property Tax is Calculated

Property taxes are based on your home’s value. What you might not know is that an increase in your home’s value doesn’t necessarily mean your taxes will go up. This video explains how your property taxes are calculated based on the assessed value of your home.

How MPAC Assesses Property

We are the largest assessment jurisdiction in North America and are responsible for assessing more than five million properties in Ontario.

Welcome to AboutMyProperty™.

Here you can learn more about how your property was assessed, see the information MPAC has on file, and compare your property to others in your neighbourhood.

Request for Reconsideration Process

If you disagree with MPAC’s assessment or classification of your property, you can file a Request for Reconsideration, or RfR, and we will review the information we have on file to determine if your assessment is accurate.

Understanding the Phase-In Process

Under the Government of Ontario’s phase-in provision in the Assessment Act, an increase in assessed value is introduced gradually over four years. A decrease in assessed value will be introduced immediately.

School Support Designation

Property owners in Ontario are required to support a school board, even if they do not have children, or their children are not currently attending school. In the case of a residential property occupied by tenants, the tenants can direct the school support for that property. By default, school support is directed to your municipality’s English Public School Board.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is legislatively required to collect school support information and provide it in the assessment roll to every municipality and school board. By ensuring that you are supporting the school board of your choosing, you will be able to vote in the next municipal and school board election for trustees in that school board.  

There are 5 different school support designations to choose from:

  • English public

  • French public

  • English separate (Catholic)

  • French separate (Catholic)

  • Protestant separate (Penetanguishene only)

Property owners, occupants, and tenants can update their school support designation online at