March 16, 2021: Mayor's Report
March 2nd
I participated in a teleconference call hosted by Toronto Councillor Joe Cressy with Chairs of Boards of Health across Ontario, Municipal and Regional elected officials. The subject was discussion and experience within our municipalities as a result of COVID-19.
The focus was mainly on the financial impact to implement the province’s orders to set up vaccination sites, including security and staffing required and to encourage advocacy to encourage funding from the Province to offset these expenses.
In the afternoon, I presided over our regular Council Meeting and a Closed Session.
March 3rd
In the morning, I participated in the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health Meeting.
In the afternoon, I participated in the weekly meeting with Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health and Hastings County regarding COVID.
In the evening, I attended a meeting at the Community Centre organized by Mary Provost to discuss decorating ideas and plans for the 200th Anniversary. Thanks to Mary again for organizing the meeting and recruiting the volunteers of the community.
The 200th should be celebrated and the Town and its generational residents and historical elements should be recognized. Our ancestors worked very hard to establish the special community lifestyle we have and we were particularly blessed with our rural environment in the past year during COVID.
I urge all residents to make an effort to pitch in, contribute, volunteer, participate in events and mostly to celebrate at the planned events. Hopefully, we will be able to gather and enjoy the festivities together.
March 9th
I met with the CAO regarding the Chief Building Official resignation and vacancy.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Matt on his new position and to thank him for his years of service to the Municipality of Marmora and Lake. I also want to thank him personally for the support he has provided me during my term. Thank you, Matt and all the best in your future endeavours.
March 12th
I participated in a teleconference with Minister Steve Clark and Minister Dunlop on the topic of Women Leaders in Municipal Government. Discussion included the educational aspect of acquiring the education and skills because there are no specific courses in secondary institutions to prepare students for a career choice in a statutory position such as a Municipal Clerk, Treasurer, etc. Generally, employees have acquired a post-secondary education in a profession but acquire accreditations through graduation of educational courses developed and governed by professional associations such as AMCTO and MFA. It was agreed that such career opportunities and choices should be introduced in schools in the senior elementary grades. Universities and colleges should be encouraged to provide this education and training.
The further discussion involved women choosing a career as an elected official. Negative social media was considered a deterrent. Criticism and being a victim of misinformation can affect how they may be perceived in their respective communities. Family members can be sensitive and not supportive of being exposed to social media due to the political role of a family member.
March 16th
I participated in Hastings County Planning and Development Committee Meeting and Finance Property and Personnel Committee Meeting.
The Finance Property and Personnel Committee presented the 2021 Budget. It was passed at a 3.1% increase to the municipal levy.
This afternoon is our regular meeting of Council.
I would also like to compliment and thank Dylan and the Transportation and Recreation staff for their extra work wiping down equipment and cleaning facilities etc., due to COVID. Thank you for the excellent winter maintenance operations and for keeping our roads safe.
Please plan to receive the vaccination when it is available for your particular age group. Currently, vaccines are being administered to the 80+ age group and certain front-line health care workers. This morning on-line both Peterborough County and Hastings Prince Edward County were asking for your patience in registering. On behalf of myself and Council, thank you to all front line workers for their services including our municipal staff.