June 2, 2020: Mayor's Report

May 19th

I participated in the Hastings County Planning and Development and Finance Property & Personnel Committee Meetings via teleconference.

May 25th

Larry Dean, IT Manager for Hastings County and I did a training session to prepare for the next HCC meeting to be held via ZOOM.

May 25th

I participated in the Emergency Control Group Meeting for Marmora and Lake. We were having weekly meetings but we are now having meetings every second week.

In summary, a few information items:

  1. Booster Park is open for seasonal residents only. Washrooms, boat launch remain closed. The beach is not open for swimming.

  2. Mags Landing is open but docks are not in. Again, swimming is not permitted.

  3. State of Emergency has been extended to June 28th. We will continue to assess our situation in co-ordination with the Province.

  4. The 2020 Summer Swim Program is cancelled.

  5. We have decided to open the Town Hall for business by appointment only and only if necessary beginning June 1st.

  6. The Service Ontario and Information Centre staff will return to work on June 1st and the Building will be open June 3rd by appointment only.

  7. A reminder that physical distancing and hand hygiene will be strictly enforced when municipal buildings are open to the public. You will be required to wear a mask and you must provide your own mask.

  8. We are returning to putting tags on all garbage effective June 1st.

  9. Staff will be working staggered hours and alternate days in the office and at home

Staff are working their regular hours whether at home or in the office

I would like to thank the Emergency Control Group for their co-operation and dedication to keeping the municipal staff and the public safe. We have had very productive meetings and informative decision making. Staff have been willing to adapt to the new way of doing business and have maintained good customer service working remotely. We have had effective implementation of protective barriers, installation of signs and excellent communication during this very difficult time. Staff will continue to post announcements as new information becomes available. Please continue to refer to the Marmora and Lake web site for accurate information and up to date announcements.

For your information, we have received a grant to hire six summer students.

May 27th

I participated in a Board of Health Governance Committee Meeting by teleconference. I have been elected Chair of the Governance Committee.

The Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health have received compliments from the Ministers acknowledging their superb service to the community in dealing with COVID-19.

Dr. Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health reported that Public Health Modernization Program is on pause while the province continues to focus on COVID-19.

May 28th

I participated in the Hastings County Council Meeting via ZOOM. The meeting was streamed through Facebook.

Jim Pine, CAO provided an update on Long Term Care facilities. There have been no new outbreaks at either facility and they have started to receive new residents.

Hastings County have established a Recovery Team to deal with opening their offices to the public. They are taking a very slow pace and careful approach. Work places and stations are being carefully assessed for risk and they are taking a Phased in approach toward opening for normal business.

Paramedic Services and Assessment Centres were discussed. There are a number of Assessment Centres in the larger urban centres. Paramedic Chief Doug Socha advised that they will be implementing “pop-up’ test centres in Tweed, Madoc, Marmora and Lake and Stirling probably in the next couple of weeks. I requested that they provide us with the dates and locations so we can put it on the web site and in the form of an announcement. So, if you want to be tested, check the web site for the location near you.

In the Agenda you will see a report from the CAO regarding the effects of the pandemic to our municipality and a guide to opening up our facilities in a three phase program. I urge you to read it carefully. Keep in mind that as we progress through each phase, we will monitor progress and constantly assess our risk before we move to the next phase. We will also continue to follow the orders of the Province and we will follow their lead regarding the state of emergency.

Tonia has done a great report and sets out a good plan based on our ongoing communication with the Emergency Control Group and provincial ministries. The CAO’s of Hastings County meet by teleconference each week and share their strategies and exchange of information. This provides some consistency with regard to messaging and provision of services to the public. Thank you Tonia for your report and for facilitating all the changes we have had to make to ensure the safety of our staff and maintain our levels of service to the public.

I would like to thank the residents of Marmora and Lake for their understanding and for complying with the restrictions that have been put in place. The restrictions are there for your safety and the safety of our staff. I have been advised that there are cases in the community.

Please continue to follow the rules of social distancing, hand hygiene and don’t forget that the most effective way to be safe and to end this isolation is to stay home.

We will continue to hold our Council Meetings via ZOOM. Council Meetings will be held virtually only when there are important issues or when there is a requirement for time sensitive decisions. Notice of Council Meetings will be posted on our web site in compliance with our procedural by-law. If you have an issue to be put on the Council agenda, I suggest you make a request in writing to the Clerk and request that it be submitted with the appropriate back up information and request that it be put on the next agenda.

June 1st

I attended a closed meeting of Council to deal with the Manager of Transportation Services position.

June 2nd

Prior to this meeting we held the Planning and Development Meeting.

For your information:

Complaints have been submitted by the public regarding the accumulation of garbage on Madoc Street just east of the intersection. This has been an ongoing problem. Staff clean it up and within a short period of time, there is a new pile. The complaints received point an accusing finger at the municipality for the accumulation of garbage and the timing of it being picked up. Let me assure you the accusing finger should be pointed at the inconsiderate residents who are causing the problem. Staff are making every effort to determine who the guilty parties are and are taking steps to obtain proof and discourage this behavior. I would like to encourage members of the public who may have knowledge of the guilty parties, please report this to the municipality. Charges laid without proof are unenforceable.

Speaking on behalf of Council and staff, we all want to be proud of our municipality and part of that is maintaining an aesthetically pleasing entrance and exit to the village, our personal properties, our parks and boulevards. For those residents who take pride in their properties, we thank you. For those who abuse the public properties or accumulate excessive garbage on their personal properties, we will be putting extra effort into identifying those properties and enforcing property standards.

Jennifer Bennett