April 27, 2020: Mayor's Report and Message
On behalf of myself and the Council, I hope you are all well and continue to be safe from the COVID-19 virus. I encourage you to be safe by following the instructions of the government as it relates to self-isolating, physical distancing, practicing good hand hygiene and staying home. Only go out if it is absolutely necessary to obtain food, medical prescriptions or attend doctor’s appointments. The Medical Officer of Health and other medical professionals say: stay well, stay home and save lives. I have just listened to plans for reopening services which will be initiated in stages. So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel we just don’t know when we will see it. Please be patient and comply with the orders to ensure that there is not a second wave and our economy can recover in an orderly manner.
I stated in the newsletter: As the Mayor of Marmora and Lake it is my goal to emerge from this COVID-19 pandemic with no positive cases in this municipality. So, please adhere to the closures of facilities and community spaces and stay home. I further encourage seasonal residents to stay home until this crisis is over.
Thank you to all the first line services, volunteers and workers who take risks every day reporting to work in order to provide the basic needs and essential services of the community. You care for the most vulnerable citizens of our community and our country. I think it has become apparent that you have not been recognized and/or appreciated for the personal contribution you make to society. You deserve the most sincere thank you from all of us.
You should have received a newsletter from the Mayor and Council with current information and contact numbers to be used during this pandemic. I hope the newsletter information was helpful. However, new announcements and changes are being made on a daily basis. Please continue to refer to the official municipal web site for daily updates and announcements at marmoraandlake.ca. Thank you to municipal staff for ensuring our maintenance and service standards are met and communication with the public is current.
The regularly scheduled Council Meeting for April 22nd was cancelled. The next meeting scheduled is for May 5th and it will be held by teleconference and available to the public. The time will be announced. Although it is not ideal, it is the safest plan while respecting physical distancing but being open and transparent to the public. I would like to thank our staff for implementing meeting strategies and establishing policies for workplace safety to ensure the safety of the council, staff and the public and continue to meet our business obligations and deadlines.
A state of emergency was declared on March 31, 2020. Since then the Emergency Control Group have met by teleconference on a weekly basis. The Provincial and Federal Governments are initiating new orders and regulations almost on a daily basis. The group reviews the state of affairs and provides updates on current status as it relates to managing and providing services during these challenging times.
I would like to remind you that the Town Hall is closed to the public. All public facilities, the library, parks and recreation areas including the boat launches, dog park, tennis court, etc. are closed. Service Ontario is closed. Campgrounds and all non-essential services are closed. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has issued a complete burn ban. No burn permits will be issued.
I am also a Councillor for Hastings County. Each week, Hastings County CAO and staff conduct a teleconference update meeting and the regular meeting of Hastings County will be held as scheduled.
Hastings County has long term care facilities, provides social services, paramedic services, economic development programs, planning and development, etc. The very dedicated management and staff are working around the clock to make sure these services are being provided with the ultimate and highest level of service to keep their residents and front line care givers safe and deal with the day to day demands of residents being isolated and separated from their family and friends. Thank you on behalf of myself and council for ensuring that our most vulnerable citizens are receiving the highest level of care possible.
As vice chair of the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health, again, I can assure you that Dr. Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and the staff at the Board office are working tirelessly to respond to inquiries and direct the public who contact them with possible symptoms to be assessed or tested and either be directed to self-isolate or in extreme cases be hospitalized. Again, thank you for your guidance and for establishing protocol that provides for testing, assessment and treatment appropriate for the individual’s needs.
I continue to participate as a ROMA Board Member representing the Rural Caucus. I am on the AMO Board of Directors. Meetings continue to be held by teleconference. ROMA has continued to bring forth issues that address mainly the topics specific to rural Ontario. Food security, homelessness, concern for small business survival during this crisis and an appeal for funding to deal with rural economic demands.
AMO is a direct advocacy for municipal governments to the Province. They are dealing with a number of issues such as Broadband availability and future expansion of broadband services to rural areas. As the demand for services increases due to working from home and educational instructions being conducted on line, it has become extremely apparent that this is an essential service. Both the Federal and Provincial Government have made financial commitments the details of which will be made available later in the spring.
Jocelyn Hill has joined our administration management team as Municipal Treasurer.
The position of Manager of Transportation Services has been advertised. Applications will be received until April 30th.
Thank you for your co-operation and consideration for keeping our community safe by adhering to the orders currently in place. Please reach out to your family, friends and neighbors to stay connected and help each other to cope with both physical and mental challenges while being isolated. Thank you to all volunteers who generously assist with tasks especially for those most in need. Thank you to everyone who donates both financially and through contributions of goods and services to the less fortunate. We will get through this together.