December 3, 2019: Mayors Report
November 20
I attended an event organized by Jenn Bennett called Shoulder Season - Event Shuffle.
The purpose of the event was to encourage an exchange information and experience between existing businesses, entrepreneurs, and potential business opportunities. At each table, there was a business champion and approximately 3 - 5 people were at each table for approximately 10 minutes for an opportunity to discuss and share business experience and possibly find ways to support each other. Thank you to the Iron Grille for providing the venue and the excellent food. All agreed it was a good exchange of information and an opportunity to meet other business owners.
November 21
I attended Hastings County Council.
The minutes are included in our Agenda. Stephen Price, Supervisor of Housing Community Relations presented videos promoting the success of the summer day camps as well as providing daily, nutritious snacks during the summer months for children living in the County housing neighborhoods.
A number of personnel were recognized for completing training in Excellence in Resident Canted Care.
New signs will be installed on Hwy. 62 for northbound traffic from Belleville and on Highway 127 for southbound traffic promoting the new Hastings County Wildly Authentic Brand.
One item of interest is that several snow plow operators contacted Hastings County staff regarding a substantial increase in their insurance costs making it prohibitive to continue to provide the service. Council approved a cost adjustment to the 3 year contracts in order to retain the current service providers. Other mayors expressed similar concerns in their municipalities.
A good news story - Hastings County Council approved the awarding of Springale Dev. Inc. and All-Together Housing Corporation, funding in the amount of $1.2 million for the construction and provision of a 15 unit affordable housing project in Deloro. Thank you to both Hastings County and Marmora and Lake staff for providing support for this project.
November 23
I attended the Christmas Tea and Bazaar at Sacred Heart Parish.
November 27
I attended Board of Health Governance Committee Meeting.
There was no quorum but numerous items on the Agenda were discussed and decisions will be made at the next meeting in January.
Board of Health is anticipating major organizational changes as a result of the new modernization consultation process. An Employee Engagement Survey was conducted to determine employee satisfaction in the workplace.
The questions were created by Gallup Q12. It is their opinion, and questions were centred around the fact that, "engaged employees are those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and contribute to their organization in a positive manner".
An information session was presented by a Board member regarding human trafficking in Ontario. The presentation was based on workshop on human trafficking and child abuse, Abigail Centre, Belleville. A comment that was made was startling - Highway 7 corridor is identified as one of the highest areas for human trafficking.
November 28
I attended an AMO Committee of the Whole Meeting in Toronto.
Sylvia Jones, the Solicitor General was the guest speaker and the topic was the OPP Governance and Detachment Boards. Since she was late arriving the presentation was short but she did take questions from the audience. It appears that there may be support for organizational change for Police Boards, establishing a Community Policing Advisory Committee with representation from seven municipalities and changing the formula for base charges. Feedback to the Solicitor General was that one size does not fit all and criminal activity varies from large urban to small rural, etc.
November 29
I attended the AMO Board Meeting. Some of the Agenda items were:
The transition of the Blue Box Program to full producer responsibility;
Changes to landfill siting approvals;
There is now a six (6) year transition objective in writing
Municipalities may be approached by producers to provide recycling services.
A letter from the AMO President will be sent out to all municipalities giving recommendations for transition. This will be a huge savings to the municipality when completely implemented.
Other topics that AMO is dealing with concern changes to the Conservation Authorities, the Line Fences Act, the LPAT, Safe Water Resources Act, the Building Code Act.
The Ontario Chief Electoral Officer made a presentation regarding changes to the collection of voter information. Elections Ontario will now be responsible to provide the voters list rather than MPAC. The Electoral Officer commented that MPAC's expertise is property assessment not collection of voter data. The Clerk will be responsible to communicate with Elections Canada for the 2026 election. Elections Ontario will provide services and communication, training and support. Further detail will be made available at the AMO Conference.
Cyber security is a huge threat to municipalities and other organizations. It is necessary to be prepared and put security in place to prevent it but also to develop an incident reporting and response policy and procedure in the event we become victim to cyber attacks.
November 30
I attended the 90th Birthday for Glenn Caverley
I presented a certificate on behalf of the Mayor and Council and the community.