Charitable Gaming: Municipalities
The Municipality of Marmora and Lake issues lottery licenses to eligible organizations within the community in accordance with Provincial Regulations set by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).
Lottery licences are required for the following events:
50/50 Draws
Break Open Tickets
For more information about the types of lotteries issued by the Municipality, please see the General Lottery Information form.
Who is eligible for a licence to conduct a lottery event?
Canada's Criminal Code permits charitable and religious organizations to conduct a lottery scheme to raise funds pursuant to a license being issued. Eligible organizations must be actively providing charitable services to Ontario residents for a minimum of one (1) year to qualify. The term "charitable" refers to organizations that provide programs or services for:
The relief of poverty
The advancement of education
The advancement of religion
Other charitable purposes beneficial to the community
In order to be considered for Charitable Gaming, an organization must meet specified criteria as set by the AGCO. Please complete the following questionnaire to be reviewed by a Licensing Administrator to determine if your organization is eligible for lottery licensing: Lottery Eligibility Application
Application Forms
Please select the appropriate application form for the event you wish to hold and complete it in its entirety before submitting it. Incomplete applications will not be processed. There should be no blank spaces on an application - if a section(s) does not apply to you/your organization/your even, please enter N/A in those fields.
Report Forms
Every lottery licence must be reported on to the Municipality. Reports are due no later than 30 days after the completion of your lottery event. Please select the appropriate report form for your event and complete it in its entirety before submitting it. As with applications, there should be no blank spaces on a report, and incomplete reports will not be processed. Future applications will not be processed until outstanding reports have been completed and submitted.
For more information about reporting, and a list of all required documentation, please see the Report Checklist.
All completed forms, applications and reports should be submitted to the Clerk’s Department at Town Hall (12 Bursthall Street, P.O. Box 459, Marmora, ON, K0K 2M0).
*Please be advised: Lottery licences will not be given out the same day that an application is submitted, or the following day. Staff will process requests for lottery licences after the organization has submitted all the required documentation (and/or reporting from previous licences). Licences will then be completed within ten (10) business days.
The following information can be found on the AGCO website:
Terms and conditions for all gaming events
Use of proceeds
Eligibility requirements and regulations
Application and Report forms for all gaming events