Marmora's Day of Action on Litter - May 5, 2024
Day of Action on Litter is a province-wide initiative that encourages communities to work together to pick up trash and recycling and properly dispose of it at the municipal landfill and recycling station.
Our community belongs to all of us. Participating in Day of Action on Litter, on May 5, 2024, will help keep our neighbourhoods, public parks, waterways and roadways clean and safe for everyone.
Want to participate? Follow these 4 easy steps:
Step 1: Register below and choose an area where you would like to pick up litter. Registering helps identify the areas that have been cleaned and how many people are participating in the event
Step 2: Pick up your Clean-Up Kit (bags and gloves) and information sheet.
Step 3: Pick up litter from roadsides, green and common spaces, sidewalks, and trails on May 5th, rain or shine.
Step 4: See information sheet included with your Clean-Up Kit for collected garbage drop-off and pick-up options.
Where do I get my Clean-Up Kit?
Marmora and Lake is providing a “Clean-Up Kit” for people who are signed up to participate.
You can pick it up at the following locations:
April 22 to May 3: Tourism Centre (during business hours)
April 22 to May 4: Library (during library hours)
April 22 to May 5: Town Hall (over the weekend in the drop box)
May 4: The Marmora Fairgrounds during the Free Tree Giveaway (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
To register, and for more information, visit the municipal website at