Burn Ban Still In Effect

The Municipality of Marmora and Lake is still within the MNR Restricted Fire Zone, which means that burn ban restrictions have not been lifted. According to Ministry officials, the decision to implement or lift an RFZ is made in the Provincial Fire Office, with an eye to the provincial fire situation as a whole.  Although the eastern and southern portions of the Fire Region have received precipitation, until the entire province’s fire situation becomes more manageable, it is likely that the RFZ will continue. 

As such, there will continue to be NO open-air fires or burning of any kind within the Municipality of Marmora and Lake, at any time of day. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Campfires

  • Burn barrels

  • Wood or charcoal BBQs or outdoor stoves

  • The use of fireworks or flying lanterns

Open air burning and the use of fireworks will result in fines by the Municipality of Marmora and Lake.

Small, contained fires for cooking and heat are permitted, but are restricted to a device which uses propane or gas, and which can be turned off. Any device that requires water to put out the flame is not permitted.

Kristen McConnell