Interim Tax Bills Have Been Mailed Out
The Interim tax bills were mailed out and the installment dates are March 17 and May 19, 2022.
Included with your tax bill is an insert with 2022 Municipal Updates:
2022 Election
On October 24, 2022, an election will be held for Municipal Council and School Board Trustee. Go to for more info!
Voters can go to
Step 1: Check if you are eligible to vote
Step 2: Make sure you are on the voters list
Step 3: Get familiar with internet and telephone voting
Step 4: Know the important dates for voters
Step 5: Know where you can vote
SAVE THE DATE! Free Candidate Webinar!
Speaker, Fred Dean, will advise attendees on many topics that will interest potential candidates, spouses or partners, and anyone interested in learning about local government. Registration will be required.
Interested in being a Candidate? Go to
Step 1: Check if you are eligible to run
Step 2: Understand the role of council
Step 3: Know the important dates
Step 4: Understand the rules of campaigning
Step 5: Get familiar with internet and telephone voting
Step 6: Know where you can vote
Please Note! Penalty and interest information:
Penalty and interest charges for late payments are set by municipal bylaw in accordance with the Municipal Act. Penalty charges (current year taxes due and unpaid) for non-payment of taxes shall be added at the rate of 1.25% on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues. Interest charges (past year taxes due and unpaid) for non-payment of taxes shall be added at the rate of 1.25% on the 1st day of each calendar month of default.
Find our online forms at in the bottom menu.
Each day, the municipality receives numerous requests ranging from facility rentals, planning, building questions, roads concerns, etc. In addition, since 2020, the increase in property questions by realtors, sellers, and potential buyers has skyrocketed. This local growth is good news for our community, and it has required staff to improve customer service practices, as these requests, along with others, need the appropriate time and attention of staff.
Using online forms helps us organize, direct, and follow up on public requests. It also helps to ensure only one staff member is working on a particular issue at any time. Please visit our website and scroll to the bottom menu for quick access to the online forms.
What is the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)?
See Bylaw Number 2022-08 by going to
At the February 1, 2022, meeting of council, the AMPS bylaw and policy was passed. The purpose of AMPS is to help build a system that is more effective, simpler, faster, less expensive – but still fair – when dealing with compliance with bylaws.
The municipality realizes that it’s not reasonable to expect people to take a day or more off work, arrange daycare, and arrange transportation to a courthouse that is located an hour away. AMPS transfers bylaw disputes from the courtroom to the municipality through a municipal Screening and Hearing Officer. This approach aids in reducing the cost of the judicial process and provides a more local and accessible dispute resolution system for the public and the municipality.
How will it work?
Bylaw enforcement is complaint-based. Once the municipality receives a complaint, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer visits the property and assesses whether the information provided is correct and if there is a compliance issue. At this time, the property owner will be informed of the contravention of the bylaw and given time to come into compliance. Most problems are resolved at this point before a Penalty Notice is even required.
Upon the second visit to the property, a Penalty Notice will be issued if the owner is still uncompliant. See the flow chart below to see how the process proceeds from there.
The municipality will continue to release information on the website to help educate the public on this new system.
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