Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services: Fire Fact Sheets


Campgrounds & Restricted Fire Zones!

A Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ) is a specific geographic area where the use of open fires, like campfires or debris burning, is restricted. It is a temporary measure put in place by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry when the fire danger is extreme to prevent human caused fires.

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What You Should Know About Restricted Fire Zones

It’s important! And it’s the law!

A Restricted Fire Zone is a specific geographic area where the use of open fires, like campfires or debris burning, is restricted.


Fireworks and the Forest Fires Prevention Act

The Forest Fires Prevention Act addresses fireworks in Section 30. This section states, “No person who discharges a firearm, a flare, fireworks or explosives in or within 300 metres of a forest area shall leave any residue from the discharge unextinguished.”

Jennifer Bennett