Cancelled Programs - Until Further Notice

With the Provincial state of emergency being extended into mid-May we have cancelled the following programs until further notice.


Free Tree Giveaway

There is the possibility of a revised program for the fall. More information is needed on the evolution of the pandemic response before final plans are determined.


Community Gardens

This is in compliance with the Provincial Order to close all outdoor recreational amenities.

swim lessons

Swimming Lessons

This is in compliance with the Provincial Order to close all outdoor recreational amenities.

pitch in logo

Pitch-In Week Canada

Due to COVID-19 the 2020 event week has been postponed due to safety concerns.

The national program is asking that all volunteers hold their community-based clean up at a date and time that is safe for their community.


Farmers Market

This is in compliance with the Provincial Order to close all outdoor recreational amenities. As the Farmers Market is to be located in Legion Park we cannot accommodate the needs of the vendors at this time.

Please contact the vendors directly to make pick-up or drop-off arrangements if they are producing products for sale.

Jennifer Bennett