State of Local Emergency Declared in Marmora and Lake

March 31th, 2020

At 9:30 a.m. on March 31, 2020, Mayor Jan O’Neill declared a State of Emergency for the Municipality of Marmora and Lake, effective immediately. This implements the emergency plan of the municipality and will help protect the health, safety, well-being and property of residents. The declaration will remain in effect until further notice.

S.4 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act provides the Municipality of Marmora and Lake with all options available to protect the health and safety of individuals and families living in Marmora and Lake. Some of the benefits to this declaration include additional coverage and protection for all volunteers as well as making it easier to enter into mutual assistance agreements with neighbouring municipalities.

Mayor O’Neill stated that “having met with the Emergency Control Group and conferring with my fellow Councillors, it is my decision that it is necessary to make this declaration at this time. This declaration is in support of the declaration made by the Province of Ontario on March 17th, 2020 and the County of Hastings on March 26, 2020.”

The declaration is a proactive measure to help flatten the curve on the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to stress the importance of self-isolation and physical/social distancing. We ask that all seasonal residents that are coming to their cottages in Marmora and Lake please self isolate for 14 days to ensure the safety of our community and the protection of our resources.

Please, when possible stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.

Please continue to monitor these websites for accurate and up to date information:

The Municipal website and social pages:
The Hastings Prince Edward Public Health website:
Public Health Ontario:
Government of Canada:

Mayor Jan O’Neill
Municipality of Marmora and Lake

Jennifer Bennett