Local boys compete in national softball championships
Two youth from our community recently travelled to St. Raphael, Quebec to compete as part of the Springbrook Royals OASA softball team at the Under 14 Eastern Canadian Softball Championships.
Jackson Croskery and James Johnson, both residents of Marmora and Lake, joined players from surrounding communities on the competitive softball circuit. They are also players on their local Marmora Miners’ softball team here in the village.
The team competed in a four-day tournament and made Marmora proud by bringing home gold. Silver was captured by another Ontario team while bronze was taken home by a team from Newfoundland.
The pair visited Marmora and Lake council on September 3, 2019 to receive a token of appreciation - a new Marmora and Lake hat - from Mayor Jan O’Neill and council. The Mayor congratulated the Springbrook Royals and Jackson and James for their accomplishments as part of the team.
Marmora and Lake currently has a thriving softball league with teams ranging from T-Ball up through Jr. Mite, Mite, Squirt, Peewee and Bantam. Council is very proud of the players and their achievements.
Mayor Jan O’Neill presents players James Johnson and Jackson Croskery with Marmora and Lake hats in recognition of their achievements on the Springbrook Royals OASA softball team.