Got stories?
Sali A. Tagliamonte, a famous researcher and author from the University of Toronto, in collaboration Caressant Care Marmora, will be coming to Marmora May 22-29, 2019 to listen to local history culture and language.
As part of the Ontario Dialects Project, Sali and her team sit down and talk to people about their life and experiences growing up, their perspective and especially their stories.
Sali believes that it is important that community wisdom and knowledge endure for generations to come, so all the oral histories collected will be returned to the community.
Sali would be happy to give a talk about her work in local schools or for any community-based society that may be interested.
If have stories to share?
Contact Sali or Jackie at:
Jackie Fraser, Home Manager, Cressant Care, Marmora
Sali A. Tagliamonte P. (416) 822-3428