Mayor's Report for October 3, 2023

September 6th-8th

I attended the Ontario Eastern Municipal Conference in Ottawa. I attended various programs/presentations including: Permissions, Prohibitions, and Purgatory – Small Town Planning in Eastern Ontario Cottage Country; Eastern Ontario Macroeconomics – Trends, Challenges & Opportunities; Preparing Eastern Municipalities for Ontario’s Energy Future (MPP Todd Smith spoke about future projects including Marmora Pumped Storage); and Municipal Law Update (Tony Fleming was the presenter and this was probably the most informative of all presentations as it dealt with many aspects of the Municipal Act, including road allowances, etc.).

September 12th

I attended the public information open house for the Marmora Pumped Storage Project.  It was well attended.  I had the occasion to meet Chief Simpson, the new Alderville Chief.  Chief Simpson expressed his support for the project.

That day I also met with residents of Shanik regarding property standards and by-law issues.

September 13th

I toured the mine site with representatives from Northland, OPG and Canada Infrastructure Inc.  I understand that Canada Infrastructure is one of the possible funding streams for the project.

Tonia and I attended a meeting in Madoc regarding our Community Transit System.  We are the host municipality in the administration of the gas tax funds that support the system.

September 15th

I had communication with HPEPH regarding on going labour negotiations with ONA.

September 17th

I participated in the opening ceremonies for the annual Terry Fox Run.  On behalf of myself and Council, I offered our appreciation for the volunteers who organize the event, especially Ernie Hamilton and family, and Lloyd and Wendy McCoy. Thank you to the Lion’s Club for putting on a barbeque, to the band for entertainment, to Chris representing Ric Bresee’s office, and Shelby Kramp-Neuman for attending in-person, and our local firemen who were on site to assist. Diane Hamilton, Cordova Community Association, presented a donation to Lloyd Bateman in support of the Terry Fox Run. Thank you to all who participated and made donations.

September 18th

Staff held an open house to receive comments from the public regarding Booster Park.  Councillor Lakatos hosted the event.  I attended briefly.  There is a report in this Agenda.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend and provide their comments.

September 19th

I attended Hastings County Planning & Development, and Finance, Property & Personnel Committee Meetings.

Our regular Council Meeting scheduled for September 19th was cancelled as there were no items requiring Council decision.

September 20th

I chaired a special closed meeting for HPEPH.

September 21st

I attended the regular meeting of the Crowe Valley Conservation Authority.

I also chaired a meeting of the Marmora Cemetery Board.  A number of grave stones/markers had been identified as needing repair and were considered dangerous.  Campbell Monument was contracted to fix and repair the most serious stones.  That work has been completed.

September 22nd

I participated in Emergency Management Training in Centre Hastings.  Members of the Emergency Management Teams and senior staff from Centre Hastings, Madoc Township and Marmora and Lake attended the training.  The training was coordinated and facilitated by Centre Hastings.  Thank you to Typhany Choinard and all those responsible for the training, and to Tony Brownson for the updated Emergency Plan for Marmora and Lake. There is a report in the Agenda.

September 26th

Council and staff from municipalities in Hastings County participated in a Planning Service Delivery Review hosted by the Hastings County Planning Department.  Most of the municipalities do not individually employ Planners.  We rely on the Hastings County Planning Department for review and recommendations on most of our planning applications prior to Council’s consideration .  Our municipality supported the model presented by the County for future planning services.  This will increase efficiency, reduce response times for applications and put enquiries in the hands of planning experts.  Ultimately, decisions will be made by Council with recommendations from HC planning.

I also attended the AGM for the COPE in Madoc.  That organization has a Board of Directors and the CEO is Christine Spencer.  The staff and volunteers who support this service are invaluable. The programs, entertainment and services they provide are extensive.  They are inclusive and provide a quality of life to those in our communities who are less fortunate or have sensitive issues.  On behalf of Council and our community, I expressed appreciation to both the Board and the leadership team for their services.

September 27th

I attended the Board of Health Finance Committee Meeting.

September 28th

I attended Hastings County Council Meeting.

Later, I attended the Board of Health Offices to make and record a public statement regarding matters of the Board.

September 29th

I met with Councillor Lakatos and CAO Tonia.

I participated in a pre-board meeting with Dr. Toumishey, MOH, and Vice-Chair, Michael Kotsovos. The Board Meeting is tomorrow, October 4th.

September 30th

I attended the Scarecrow Festival on Forsyth Street put on by the Lions Club, and the Health and Wellness Event held at the park.  Thank you to the organizers and volunteers for both of these events.  The weather was perfect and the contests and food were enjoyed by all.

Kristen McConnell