Mayor's Report for October 17, 2023

October 3rd

I presided over the regular Marmora and Lake Council Meeting.

October 4th

I chaired a special closed meeting for the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health. I am pleased to report that the HPEPH ratified labour agreements with ONA and CUPE.

October 5th

I attended a meeting with the Dr. Recruitment Committee. It was agreed that it is important to continue with the recruitment initiatives to deal with future vacancies.

October 11th

I attended the office to sign cheques and documents.

October 12th

I attended a meeting with Public Health Officials to discuss ministry directives regarding mergers and to explore options to achieve their objectives.

A couple of notes:

It has come to my attention that the Scarecrow Festival was organized by the Marmora and Lake Business Association. Thank you to the Marmora and Lake Business Association for organizing this community event and to the volunteers and vendors for their participation and support.

Thank you to the Marmora Lions Club and volunteers who repaired and painted the stage at the fairgrounds. It looks great and on behalf of Council and Marmora residents, thank you. The fairgrounds seem to be used more and it is the focal point of many of the events. Thank you to the Lions.

Hastings County prepared a “draft strategic plan” and provided a copy to the municipalities. This will set goals and objectives for the County for the next three years.

This week is Local Government Week in Ontario. Your municipal government is the most accessible to the community and provides the “core” municipal services to ensure public safety and promote healthy communities. The services provided range from day-to-day administration and routine maintenance of products and services in accordance with current bylaws and legislation and is often delivered based on budget allocation and mandated responsibilities. From taking care of necessities like roads, waste, and water, to creating diverse arts, culture, and tourism experiences, to finding innovative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges, local government professionals are change-makers and community builders. Thank you to our local government professionals who work hard to make life safe. A special thank you to our Marmora and Lake staff for their continued support and the services they provide.

Recently, there have been incidents of physical aggression toward municipal staff. Municipal staff have the right to a safe working environment and conditions. This is to advise that any form of aggression, verbal or physical, will not be tolerated, and the police will be called.

At a recent Council Meeting, Councill approved the Respectful Conduct Policy. This Policy reinforces the concept of mutual respect within the municipality and sets out the consequences for such actions including police intervention.

Local Government Week Proclamation:

WHEREAS, October 15 to 21, 2023, is Local Government Week in Ontario, an opportunity to reflect on the vital services delivered by municipal governments; and

WHEREAS, municipal governments play a vital role in helping to define the character, priorities, physical make up, and quality of life of communities across Ontario;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Mayor O’Neill, on behalf of the Municipality of Marmora and Lake do hereby join with partners such as the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) in acknowledging and celebrating the work of local municipalities by proclaiming October 15 to 21, 2023 as “Local Government Week” in the Municipality of Marmora and Lake.

Kristen McConnell