Mayor's Report for September 5, 2023

August 1st

I presided over the Planning and Council Meetings.

August 6th-13th

I took a week’s vacation in Prince Edward Island.

August 14th

I attended the office to sign documents and catch up on numerous issues over the past week.

August 15th

I attended Hastings County Finance, Property & Personnel, and Planning Committee meetings.

August 19th

I attended the Butterfly Release Event at the Heart of Hastings Hospice in Centre Hastings.  It was very well attended.  The grounds around the house are developing beautifully, including a serenity garden.

I proceeded to the AMO Conference in London, Ontario.

August 20th

I attended a program dealing with Arena Management. I thought the information was very informative and I have shared contact information with the CAO to have them as a delegation to Council prior to the 2024 Budget.

August 21st-22nd

I attended various programs and speaker sessions.  I attended a luncheon sponsored by IESO (the Independent Electricity Supply Org). They spoke about service delivery for electricity and the new initiatives being promoted by the Provincial Government.

A lot of focus was put on the Greenbelt issue by various speakers, including the First Nations Chief and leaders of the opposition parties.

Minister Sylvia Jones announced some funding regarding Board of Health. Former MPP Katherine Mckenna spoke passionately about climate change and how all levels of government need to react both from a change to reduce carbon emissions to preparing emergency plans to recognize the more extreme weather events expected in the future.

The conference was very well attended, however, after two hours of the first day, TVO went on strike and the facilitators walked out. AMO was prepared and Brian Rosborough, President, took over the role of facilitator.

 One event of AMO is the Minister’s Forum or Bull Pen, as some call it. That is the opportunity for all delegates to direct questions to the Ministers.  Jim Pine moderated this event.

August 24th

I attended the office to sign documents.

I attended the Tourism Centre to welcome Angela Hudson who is filling in for Tammy May until her return. I also signed new business certificates.

August 25th

I chaired a special closed session of the Board of Health to deal with ongoing negotiations.

August 26th

I attended the 70th Birthday celebration for Campbellford Memorial Hospital. A number of dignitaries were there to welcome everyone and unveil a prototype of the proposed new hospital.

August 28th

I was pleased to present a new business certificate to Sebastian. Angela and the Hastings County team have been working with the new business owners to promote the current business, but they are hoping to expand their opportunities in Marmora. Their business is renting water sports equipment. Hastings County representatives, Chair of the HC Ec Dev Committee, Mayor Don DeGenova, Andrew Redden, Christine McLean, and Jordan rolled out the purple carpet and provided the purple ribbon. Good luck to the new business owners and welcome to Marmora and Lake.

August 31st

I attended the Hastings County Council Meeting.

In the afternoon, I attended the Board of Health Offices to participate in a scheduled zoom presentation with Dr. Kieran Moore, Lorreta Ryan,and other alpha staff.

Angela and I presented a business certificate to Who Nu.  They have changed locations due to requiring more space.  After two months at the other location, they have moved to Forsyth St. We thanked them for their business and wished them well in their future endeavors.

September 1st

I had telephone meetings with BOH Managers and MOH regarding ongoing negotiations.

I also participated in the opening ceremonies for the Marmora Agricultural Fair.

On behalf of Marmora and Lake Council and residents, I want to express our appreciation to Bonnie Ray and the executive of the Marmora Fair Board. An added feature was to provide an accessible event for sensitive and special needs residents so they could attend and experience fun at the fair. Some very emotional tributes were expressed by families who stated that this is the first time their children could be included. Again, thank you to the Fair Board executive and volunteers who made this part of the fair inclusive to all our residents. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the fair. Former MP & MPP Daryl Kramp was there to represent his daughter MP Shelby Kramp Neuman. He has attended the fair many times over the years and provided some statistics about the Marmora Fair. The first Fair was held in 1890. They had a “bee” to clear the land and build the track and invited 5000 volunteers to help. Mission accomplished.

Kristen McConnell