Mayor's Report for November 7, 2023

This meeting is being held virtually and streamed on YouTube to accommodate the Christmas Market and Tour. The technology and equipment set-up required to provide in-Chambers attendance and virtual is very complex. Since the Chambers are being used over two weekends, this meeting and the next meeting, will be virtual only.  The Council Chambers is being used by a variety of crafters and looks absolutely amazing. The last meeting we had some connectivity problems beyond our control, so, thank you for your patience, and hopefully we won’t experience any technical issues tonight.

I would also remind you that this is hunting season and remind everyone to be safe.

October 17th

I presided over the regular Planning Meeting and Council Meeting.

October 20th

Together with staff and Council members, the Warden and Hastings County business and tourism staff, I attended the official opening of the Mighty Crowe Bar & Grill. On behalf of myself and Council, I presented a business certificate and welcomed them to Marmora and Lake. We thanked them for bringing their business to Marmora and wished them every success in their business. They graciously provided a buffet of menu items to everyone.

I participated in a telephone conference with the Medical Officer of Health regarding the upcoming Board of Health Finance Committee meeting.

October 22nd

I attended the re-opening of the Early Childhood Nursery School in celebration of recent renovations to their facility. They have a new kitchen, flooring and everything is freshly painted. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the staff and learning about their regular daily routines caring for the little ones.

October 23rd

Staff and I met with a resident regarding a property standards complaint. 

I participated in a Board of Health phone meeting to discuss recent changes being proposed by the Province.

October 25th

I participated in the Finance Committee Meeting for the Board of Health.

October 26th

I attended the regular meeting of Hastings County Council.

October 30th

I attended a joint meeting of Boards of Health in Gananoque to discuss merger options.

October 31st

I attended the “Trunk or Treat” event for Halloween.  Thank you to all the volunteers who prepared the parkette with a scary themed walkway.  Thank you to the organizers and all participants who were doling out candy and treats from their trunks.  The costumes were scary and very imaginative and I believe the turnout was great in spite of the winter weather.

November 1st

I attended the office to sign documents and met with Tammy, Economic Development, to discuss filming opportunities in Marmora.

November 3rd

I attended the office to respond to resident enquiries and to pick up the Agenda package for this meeting.

November 6th

I participated in a telephone meeting with Dr. Toumishey and David Johnston, Board of Health, to discuss exploring Board of Health mergers.

Kristen McConnell