Mayor's Report for June 6, 2023

May 16th

I attended Hastings County Planning & Development Committee and Finance, Property & Personnel Committee Meetings.

I presided over our regular Council Meeting.

May 18th

I attended the Source Water Protection Meeting, Public Hearing and regular meeting of the Crowe Valley Conservation Authority.

May 19th

I presided over a special closed Council Meeting and open meeting. 

Nancy Sinclair has been appointed Deputy Treasurer and Interim Treasurer, effective immediately.  On behalf of myself and Council, congratulations Nancy.

May 23rd

I attended a meeting of the Doctor Recruitment Committee. We have been successful in attracting a number of potential doctors. We continue to collaborate with Hastings County and our local doctors in Marmora and Centre Hastings. As soon as they have officially signed an agreement, we will make announcements.

May 24th

I attended the regular meeting of Hastings County Council.

Jim Duffin, Facilities Manager for Hastings County, retired after 51 years of dedicated service.  I offered congratulations on behalf of the Marmora and Lake Council and residents.

I attended the Board of Health Governance Committee meeting.

May 26th

I participated in a meeting with Dr. Ian Gemmill, Medical Officer of Health, and Michael Kotsovos, Vice Chair, in our pre-board meeting to discuss the upcoming agenda and prepare for the regular Board Meeting for June.

May 29th

I attended the office to sign documents and paperwork.

May 30th

Councillor Lakatos and I were guests of the C.O.P.E. Mayor’s breakfast in Madoc at Hidden Goldmine. This is such a fantastic community organization that makes and provides community living skills to many of our less fortunate and sometimes challenged residents. It is amazing to hear how, with various degrees of support, goals and objectives can be achieved by anyone willing to try. We heard success stories from Jordan and AJ and how they thrive due to their interests and support provided at the centre. Thank you to Karen Bailey, Chair, and Christine Spencer and their team, including volunteers, for their contribution to this important organization.

June 1st

I celebrated the opening of our new business in Marmora – Who Nu. This is a consignment shop and I urge you to see the numerous items they have available. I thanked Tanya and Dan and their team, on behalf of Council, for bringing their business to Marmora and wished them much success in their future endeavours.

June 3rd

I attended the Pancake Breakfast put on by the Lion’s Club. As usual, it was delicious. Again, thank you to the Lion’s Club for providing this community event.

From there, I attended the Vendor Craft Show in the Arena. There were approximately 50 vendors displaying numerous items and very unique crafts and products. Thank you to the vendors, and to the customers who supported the event. Thank you to staff for organizing the tables and assisting with the event.

In the afternoon, I attended the 2nd Annual Lumberjack Event. Forsyth Street was closed to vehicular traffic with many fun opportunities for all ages. The music was provided by our local talent in the parkette. Thank you to the Marmora Business Association for organizing the event as a fundraiser for the “Light Up Marmora” project. On Sunday, there was the duck race.

This month, I received a Note of Thanks from Linda Pacaud that reads as follows:

To Mayor O’Neill and Council, On behalf of everyone at the food bank, I would like to thank you all for your most generous donation.  Words can not express how much we appreciate your continued support.

In response, on behalf of myself and Council, thank you to all the volunteers at the Food Bank and to all who make donations.

You will note in the Agenda a letter addressed to me regarding the “Notice of Commencement & Initial Project Description – Marmora Pumped Storage Hydro Project.” This notice was in the Community Press on May 25th and June 1st. I will speak to this item when it is presented in the Agenda.

Finally, we are all aware of the severe dry conditions throughout the Province. Marmora and Lake has declared a Complete Fire Ban. Since the storm last year, the downed trees and forest floor are a significant opportunity for fire. Please adhere to the fire ban.

Kristen McConnell