Mayor's Report for December 19, 2023

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Council and staff for a progressive and successful year in Marmora and Lake. I want to thank the public and ratepayers for your input and attention to important issues in the community. A special thank you to the volunteers who have contributed their time, skills and commitment to decorating, maintaining parks, organizing events, fund raising and supporting the entire community. Thank you to the businesses for your contributions and making Marmara a welcoming place to work, shop and play. I am very proud to be the Mayor of this great Municipality of Marmora and Lake.

December 5th

I presided over the regular meetings of Planning and Council. Please accept our apologies for the poor audio connections. Staff had tested the system twice that day and it was working fine. We are not sure what the exact problem was and only suspect that there had been an unanticipated computer update prior to the meeting.

December 6th

I presided over the regular Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health Meeting. Three boards are proposing a merger and have made a submission to the Province. A special committee of the HPEPH has been struck to participate in negotiations. The first meeting of the three boards is Thursday and I will be the Chair. I will provide reports as information becomes available.

December 10th

I attended Booster Park to support the annual Polar Plunge fund raising event. Eleven brave men and women participated. The Fire Department was on site to ensure everyone's safety. Following the event, hot chili and refreshments were provided by the Knights of Columbus at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.

December 11th

Council and senior staff attended a leadership and team building training exercise.

December 14th

I chaired the regular meeting of Sacred Heart Parish Council.

December 15th

I participated in a virtual meeting with Dr. Toumishey, Medical Officer of Health for HPEPH and the two other representatives from the HPEPH Board.

December 19th

This morning, I participated in the regular Hastings County Planning and Development Committee, and Finance, Property and Personnel Committee meetings, and a special County Council meeting to finalize decisions made during committee meetings.

This afternoon, Tonia and I distributed Christmas cards to all staff.

I now have the privilege to ask James Murphy to come forward. Councillor Derry, Dylan Adams, Manager of Transportation Services, Parks and Recreation and I, on behalf of Council, staff and residents, will present James with certificates of recognition and the gift of a watch in appreciation for the many years of dedication working for the Municipality. ppreciation for the many years of dedication working for the municipality. James has worked for the Municipality for 38 years in the Transportation Department. It is my absolute honour to congratulate him on this occasion and to celebrate his retirement. James, we wish you all the very best for the future and enjoy your retirement.

Kristen McConnell